Hack Warz® @ PCDC

Capture the Flag Hacking Competition

Join the Contest

We are looking for college students in the Southeast US who are interested in competing in a capture-the-flag/hacking competition on Saturday, 13 April. The event will be part of the Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition (PCDC). This year, Hack Warz® @ PCDC will be held on the first day of the PCDC in collaboration with Life Cycle Engineering® (LCE) and will be held in person at Trident Technical College. LCE’s Hack Warz® provides participants with a complex CTF (Capture the flag) ecosystem where both the new and the experienced can learn the art of penetration testing and use existing knowledge to beat out competition. Teams will leverage the tools in Kali Linux to find and exploit vulnerabilities in a wide range of different operating systems. With each successful exploit, teams can redeem tokens found in compromised systems for points. Each token will be ranked in difficulty from Easy to Hard, with the harder exploits being worth significantly more points. A training session that includes Q&A will be held at a date and time yet to be determined

Registration Form

Speaker 1

Speaker 1

Hack Warz® @ PCDC will be open to all colleges and universities in the Southeast Region (Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Mississippi, Alabama & Tennessee) on a first come, first serve basis and will be completely virtual. Deadline for registration is 26 March for one team per school, after which colleges will be allowed an additional team, space permitting. A total of 30 students will compete in teams of up to 3 students per school.

Recruiters from the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC), private industry and other entities will be observing the competition. The winning team will receive a trophy, valuable prizes, and $500 cash. Continuity checks are scheduled to begin at 8:30 am followed by opening ceremonies at 8:50 am. The competition will begin at 9:00 am. The scoring will end at 2:30 pm and the closing ceremonies for Hack Warz® and PCDC will run from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm.

Speaker 1