Cyber Defense Competition

The event for 2025 will be held at Trident Technical College in North Charleston and will be held April 12-14.

A special thanks to our 2025 Title Sponsor: SRC !!!


About The Event

PCDC 2025 will be held on April 12-14, 2025. Ten teams will be invited to compete on each day of the event with high schools competing on Saturday, colleges on Sunday, and the pros on Monday. CyberPatriot will be used as the high school qualifier and the Southeast Collegiate Cyber Defense Competition for the collegiate qualifier. We will once again be hosting Cyber in the Middle (CITM) and also the Southeast Region Collegiate HackWarz on Saturday April 12.

2025 Scenario:

Welcome to Palmetto Crossing, a quaint town who prides itself on its “by citizens, for citizens” approach to utility offerings. Feeling financial pressure, Mayor Scott Bell instituted an early retirement program that resulted in the loss of all senior information system professionals and a crippling knowledge gap on system operations. With this information being public knowledge, the water, power, sewage, and internet offerings have become targets for various malicious actors who seek to leverage data breeches, ransomware, and control of utilities for financial and political gain. To combat this, the city Chief Information Officer (I can’t remember the name that’s always used) has begun hiring new teams to regain control of these systems in efforts to ensure the cities utilities become protected and reliable once again. Join the Palmetto Crossing Department of Commerce team today and make public utilities great again!

The High School Teams that will compete in 2025 are: AAST, Academic Magnet, Aiken Scholars Academy, Ashley Ridge, Cane Bay, Clover, CTE Innovation Center, Homeschool STEM, and Military Magnet

Collegiate Teams that are competing: Citadel, Clemson, CofC, CSU, ECPI, HGTC, Naval Academy, TTC, UNCW, and USC

The Professional Teams that are competing are: BAE, Dominion Energy, Navy Reserve Cyber East, SC National Guard, US Cyber Co-Ed, US Cyber Woman's, and SRC

The Teams competing in HackWarz: JohnPwnJones, H0pp3rsR0pp3rs, ForkBomb, USC Cyber, CitCyber, The Hack that Smiles Back, HGTC Team 1, HGTC Team 2, DeepStatt, and Voorhees CyberCatz



Promoting cyber security education and awareness

Speaker 1

PCDC is an event for the promotion of Cyber Security education and awareness. Competition energizes local high schools and colleges to develop invigorating and focused curriculum for the technical needed in today’s fast-paced and challenging cyber environment. A brochure for the event is posted in the Documents Section

Competition is an all-day event followed by awards presentations and a networking opportunity where representatives will be available to discuss employment possibilites. Each day brings a new set of competitors to the field allowing South Carolina high schools, regional colleges, and cyber security professionals to go head-to-head. The schedule is posted in the Documents Section

Each 6-member team must work together as a real company would to defend their network from red team attacks while maintaining crucial business services and responding to customer and administrative demands. Winners are the most successful at thwarting the effects of hackers while keeping their businesses online and functioning.

2024 Winners

Congratulations to these winning teams!

High School

  1. Home School STEM
  2. Academic Magnet
  3. Clover


  1. Clemson
  2. The Citadel
  3. Horry Georgetown Technical College

  1. ECS
  2. CACI
  3. SRC

Southeast Regional Collegiate HackWarz Champion

  1. The Citadel
  2. University of South Carolina
  3. ECPI

Event Venue


PCDC 2025 will be held on 12-14 April 2025 at Trident Technical College in North Charleston in building 920. A map to the venue is posted in the Documents Section. You can download/view the map directly by Clicking Here.


THANK YOU to our 2025 sponsors!!!

The competition, awards, scholarships and prizes are made possible through the generous support of many industry and institutional sponsors and over 100 volunteers, as well as many cyber security industry supporters & volunteers both in South Carolina & throughout the United States. The AFCEA SC Low Country Chapter wishes to recognize the generosity and continuing support of our many Corporate Sponsors who make the Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition possible.

Sponsors 1 Sponsors 2